Rhode Island may be small but #42 is still 26.2
After last week’s marathon in Delaware and having to drive all the way up there from Virginia Beach by myself, (exhausting…especially when you finish the race and immediately jump in the car….yeah, I know!) this time I was able to coerce my wife to join me on the drive.
She wasn't going to run but she decided to keep me company during my time away. These events have been our get-a-aways where we can see the site and enjoy time together. Busy businesses keep us too occupied at home. She didn't have any work that prevented her from joining me this weekend. This was gonna be a Sunday morning run and we would need to drive back afterwords to get as close to home as possible. It was going to be a long haul. Since my office is on summer half days, we were able to take off early and heading out Friday afternoon. It was a nice relaxing drive and we were able to make some pretty good time heading up the roadway. Not all the way, but it was still a long drive. As I mentioned earlier, these drives are always good since we get a chance to talk with one another and discuss our life's moments and our future. Yes, even old people have futures to plan out. The drive on Friday evening was uneventful, and the last leg going in to Rhode Island Saturday morning was quiet so it wasn't too bad. We were able to find a hotel not too far away from the starting line. I've been really conscious of trying to spend as little money as possible on hotels. The traveling, eating out, accommodations and race entry fees are beginning to add up quite a bit. I wish I had a sponsor! Sponsor the Ordinary
Nothing special Saturday evening we just were able to walk around, have some dinner and see some of the sites in the community. It was nice and relaxing.
I got up Sunday morning ready to run. I was hoping I do much better than I had the last few times. Our goal was to achieve a better time then in Delaware. I made progress in Delaware but not nearly enough. My times have been frustrating me. Just not sure what is keeping me back. It was a neat little park in Rhode Island where my wife dropped me off before the race. She was going to go ahead and find a church to attend that morning. As for me I followed my normal routine: Stretching, eating a bit and getting mind set. Of course I did take a few selfies in and around the park. One of them was looking out over the waterway next to the park. There are always such amazing views at so many of the races.
This one was breathtaking as well. It also looked like this was going to be somewhat of a smaller race. It also looks like it should be fairly flat. I was looking forward to that. Anything to help my time. Excellent! Within 10 minutes of the race beginning a big dark cloud loomed in from over the water. The spot I had just taken a selfie from. The race announcer bellowed out over the intercom system advising everyone to evacuate the park and head to shelter. They told us to go into the nearby parking garages and wherever we could protect ourselves.
This was the first for me! Within a few minutes the dark cloud engulfed us and opened up buckets of rain. Lightning bellowed around the hotel lobby that some of us had crammed into. At least I got in early and found a small piece of sofa to sit on. Within an hour, the rain stopped and sky cleared and we were able to get back to the starting line. However for me my preparations and carb loading before the race had caused my blood sugars to go sky high. I wasn't feeling the greatest. The start of the race wasn't too bad and everything seemed a little bit cooler since the rainfall. I think I spoke too soon, it was humid like you cannot believe!
Where as I thought it would be cool, the humidity climbed and it seemed like everybody was struggling. I initially was staying in pace with the five-hour group. And did for nearly 10 miles. However I couldn't keep it up and fell back once again due to some of my breathing problems. No worries, there really wasn't a time limit for this race. I think I remember seeing seven hours. Walk run walk run walk run Fast Forward to mile 20. The police officer had pulled up behind a guy that was strolling behind me and said something. My ears perk up whenever I heard six hours. What?! When the officer pulled up adjacent to me and I asked her about hearing something about six hours? She said yes there's a time limit of six and we will have to pull you off the race course when the time approaches. No way! I didn't read that! I looked at my watch, I looked at my pace, I look at how many more miles I had to go. I looked back at my watch…. This was gonna be tough in my present condition. I just really didn't have any gas left in the tank. Struggling more than usual, I begin picking up my pace, pushing just a little bit harder. Step by step. Mile by mile. A few miles previously I had been frustrated seeing the 5 1/2 mile pace group pass me. However at mile 23 I came up upon them from behind. There were only two of them remaining. They had dropped their pace sign indicating their intended time and were now just strolling along. Apparently the humidity was taking its toll on them as well. I chugged along and pushed the best I could. Breathing was difficult with the higher humidity. I looked at my watch, and realized that I was not gonna finish under six. Oh well, I'll just keep pushing! I never saw anyone trying to yank me off the course. Finally coming in the last of the turn of 26.2 along the edge of the water back to the same park that we had crisscrossed four times earlier during the race. I made my final turn and got lost in where the fencing corrals that were supposed to be steering me. It was across the grass! Well I didn't expect grass for the final 50 yards! They quickly steered me correctly and I pushed on, unfortunately four minutes slower than last week in Delaware. Oh well I still finished. I'll tell you the last few races have been excellent in the fact that they provide free photos! Yes, you heard me right! Free photos!
High-quality photos throughout the course of the race. I think this is one of the best things that a race organization can provide. Otherwise all I usually get is my iPhone pre-race start photo, and my wife's quick snapshot at the end of me crossing the finish line which is usually blurry! She does her best! Well, this was over and were heading back. We made it through New York City with a complete downpour and crazy traffic. Yes even on Sunday! Of course … it’s NYC! We decided that we were not going to try to drive in two weeks all the way to Burlington Vermont for that race. I found a couple of plane tickets to Boston and then we would drive three hours over from there. Good deal!
Until then, Marathon #42 is completed…6 for the year so far…everyone…have a fun run!
Thanks for all your support and prayers.
Eugene Thompson
Run Eugene Run
Diabetic Runner